Woman Leader in Banking and Finance Excellence Award

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The Award recognizes the banker woman leaders whose professional Banking, Finance career, and achievements have made them a financial icon within the Middle East banking and finance industry. Her career achievements and contributions clearly show how women's roles have changed in the banking and finance industry, as well as have paved the path that promises to become industry’s best practice for the progression of diversity and inclusion for women in industry.

The Award endorses her efforts, contributions, struggles, and success stories to promote the cause of bringing women leaders to the forefront of Banking and Finance as contributors to the regional economy.


  • Made a track record with proven abilities to an organization in the banking and finance industry.
  • Built a profile that reflects her initiatives as a role to women in the banking and finance industry.
  • Has tremendous achievements, credentials, and contributions in the banking and finance industry.
  • Played an active role in transforming the bank into a technology-driven organization.
  • Lead a role in achieving the customer-centered, globally competitive organization.
  • Contributed an innovative or lateral approach to problem-solving or project execution.
  • Prioritized innovation that includes the development or application of pioneering technologies.
  • Improved the traditional technologies and strategies.
  • Advised and delivered simple or complex products and services to large institutions.
  • Contributed to deliver financial products and services to ultra/high net worth individuals.
  • Made outstanding family offices, and superannuation and funds management.
  • Managed or developed financial products and services by companies with an aggregated turnover.
  • Developed business-related financial products and services.
  • Impacted this initiative on women in their organization.
  • Provided an Exclusive focus on solutions that aimed to close the gender gap for women.
  • Fostered growth potential significantly to made opportunities for investor and partnerships.
  • Emphasized on attracting later-stage fintech rather than start-ups.
  • Facilitated the opportunity for women to join financial inclusion community.
  • Demonstrated her ability in meeting targets strategically.
  • Clearly exhibited her winning performance versus competitors in the key areas.
  • overpowered the competitors in launch/development of new successful financial products.
  • Showcased the success in achieving better risk management in economy’s challenging times.